You might have encountered a situation where you met with a large order that might be difficult to fit in your delivery bag and had to cancel the order. We are introducing a new feature that allows you to request for an additional delivery-partner to help split the load.
How do I use the order split feature?There are 2 places where you can access this feature. In the order details page: Upon reaching the restaurant and checking the order, tap to request for an additional delivery-partner to help with the items you are not able to deliver. In the check order page when picking up food: Tap to request for an additional delivery-partner when picking up food. |
Why can’t I tap on the order split button?The order split feature is only available upon reaching the merchant and for specific large orders. |
Do I need to wait for the additional delivery-partner to arrive after requesting for one?No, you don’t have to wait for the extra delivery-partner to arrive. You can proceed to deliver as per normal. Upon splitting, inform the merchant that two drivers have been assigned, and request the merchant to reprint the receipt to ensure that each half of the order has a receipt / help pack (when required). You should take half the order (or as much as you can) so that the extra delivery-partner can carry the remainder of the order. Do help to ensure there is a copy of the receipt with the remaining packets so that the additional delivery-partner can identify the items to collect easily. Upon delivery, inform the consumer that there will be an additional delivery-partner bringing the rest of their order. |
What happens if I am the additional delivery-partner?Your pickup experience would be the same as a typical delivery. Good news is there will be zero wait time as the order would already be ready for pickup. |
What happens to my delivery fee after asking for an additional delivery-partner to help?Your delivery fee will remain the same and the additional delivery-partner helping to deliver will also be paid based on their quoted delivery fee. |
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