Make a call or send a message (SMS/GrabChat) to the recipient. Make a call to the recipient at least 3 times. If the recipient is still unreachable, please follow these steps:
- Contact the sender and inform them of your situation. Ask the sender to contact the recipient.
- If the recipient still cannot be contacted, return the item to the sender.
- If the sender cannot receive the item or cannot be contacted, return the item to the Grab Driver Centre.
- You will get a compensation of RM0.50 for every KM you travel to return the item.
- If the day is a holiday, please keep the item and return it to the Grab Driver Center/Shipper on the next working day.
Notify us when you have delivered the item to Grab Driver Center Axis or the sender:
Grab Driver Centre Axis
Ground Floor, Block A, Axis Business Campus No 13A &13B Jalan 225, Section, Seksyen 51a, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Operation Hour :
Monday - Thursday: 10 am-5 pm
Friday: 10 am - 12 pm, 3 pm - 6 pm
Saturday: 10am - 5 pm
Sunday & Public Holiday (PH): Close
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